Can You Share Your Experience with Filing a Fire Insurance Claim?

Totally agree with the wake-up call part. We had a similar shock when we found out our policy didn’t cover smoke damage unless the fire actually touched our property. It’s like, what’s the point then? Definitely a lesson in reading every single word of your policy.


Yeah, the fine print can be a killer. We thought we were covered for everything until the adjuster pointed out the exclusion for ‘acts of God’. Wildfires apparently fall under that. Had to fight tooth and nail to get anything. It’s brutal.

It’s not just about reading the policy, though. After our claim, we started taking videos of our place every season. Walking through each room, opening drawers, the whole nine yards. It’s a pain, but if you ever need to prove what you had, it’s gold. Also, keep receipts for big-ticket items in a fireproof safe or digitally. Learned that the hard way.

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